Tuesday, April 05, 2005

So I've been listening to my son's copy of Green Day's American Idiot. I admit I like it, and feel it's a better overall album than Dookie. I did try to ignore the one song "Holiday" due to it's political monolog towards the middle of the song. Yes I understand that Punk Rock has always been anti-establishment, but was willing to go along with some of the newer bands due too their catchy tunes. Besides, half the time you can't understand what they are saying.

Saturday night on VH1 I happened to catch part of the show Storytellers. They had Green Day on and were performing all of the songs from American Idiot. The band goes into a quick question and answer session or just comment about each song. Since I had not started watching until they had gotten to the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams I had missed the first few songs and comments. At the end of the show, VH1 announced that you could catch the same show uncut, later on that day. I set my Tivo to record the whole thing, to watch later. I did finally get around to watching it on Sunday night. I was looking forward hearing them perform Jesus of Suburbia since that is one of my faves on the CD. The show started with them singing American Idiot, then they broke into the q & a portion. An audience member then asked the question "Do you think that the people who voted for Bush, are american idiots?". The lead singer Billy then proceeded to answer by saying "No, I don't think they are american idiots, they are just uninformed idiots". Needless to say I didn't find this amusing and proceeded to delete the show from my Tivo. So I appreciate Billy utilizing his freedom of speech, and I shall chose to utilize my freedom to not listen to them anymore...