Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Perfect Music Albums

As I was coming up with my top 10 favorite albums, I realized it's difficult to narrow it down to only 10.

In this post I'm going to start listing what I believe are perfect albums.

What I mean by perfect album is an album where I want to listen to every song. You may be surprised at the list. I will also keep this list open and updated as I recall long lost albums, or perhaps come across new albums.

To start in no particular order, since they are perfect :)

Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Journey - Infinity

Led Zeppelin 1 and 2

Tears for Fears - Songs from the Big Chair

Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream

Pink Floyd - Animals

Rush - Moving Pictures

to be continued... 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Top 10's

Top 10 Favorite TV Shows:

1. X-files
2. Breaking Bad
3. M.A.S.H.
4. Star Trek (original series)
5. Top Gear
6. Game of Thrones
7. House of Cards
8. The Twilight Zone
9. Frazier
10. The Big Bang Theory

Top 10's

Top 10 Favorite Books:

1. Stephen King - The Stand
2. Tom Clancy - The Hunt for Red October
3. Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle - Lucifer's Hammer
4. Max Brooks - World War Z
5. J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter (series)
6. Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games (series)
7. Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code
8. John Grisham - A Time To Kill
9. Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park
10. Stephen King - Skeleton Crew

Top 10's

Top 10 Movies:

1. Star Wars
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. Jaws
5. Back to the Future
6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
7. The Shawshank Redemption
8. Ghostbusters
9. The Terminator
10. Die Hard

Top 10's

I'm going to start listing my top 10's starting with top 10 favorite albums.

This may take a bit and I'm sure I'll have to tweak it since there are so many memorable ones in my memories.

1. Genesis - Selling England By The Pound
2. Pink Floyd - The Wall
3. Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
4. Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
5. The Refreshments - Wheelie
6. Genesis - Abacab
7. Pearl Jam - Ten
8. Peter Gabriel - (melt)
9. Rush - Moving Pictures

Saturday, November 29, 2014

I am going to try my damned best to not view or read anything about the new star wars movie. I want to go in with no expectations. As opposed to The Phantom Menace trailer and hype. Then we go to the movie and get Jar Jar Binks... nuff said

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Speaking of live tracks, one of my favorite Genesis releases is the double live album, Seconds Out. The sound quality is outstanding, as well as the selection of songs. The songs include many from the Peter Gabriel era, as well as the two albums that Phil Collins had been the lead on at that point (1976)

No you won't find any "Invisible Touch" sounding pop songs on this nearly pure Prog Rock concert.

Here is my favorite cut from this album, which also happens to be my favorite song from my favorite Genesis album, Selling England by the Pound:

Firth of Fifth (Live)

Steve Hackett stated that this is one of his favorite Genesis songs, and you can tell why with the very moving guitar solo..
I tend to prefer studio cuts to live performances of most artists, but every once in awhile I come across a live rendition that is superior to the studio cut.

I submit a copy of Hey You taken from the soundboard, synced up to shaky video cam footage. from the Pulse tour.

I just wish this track was included on the concert DVD. It is available on the concert CD.

Here is the track from the CD

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Yeah, I started a new job. So that means, it may be possible to buy a new car. I would like to upgrade from my 7 year old Kia Spectra. What is an upgrade to that you say? How about a new, snazzy Kia Optima. The Kia website even states that you can get it with a 6-speed manual transmission. Awesome!!!

So lets start looking around the Phoenix area for a manual transmission Kia Optima.

It's fairly exasperating to say the least. I have unable to find any looking in the online inventories of all Kia dealers in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and San Diego.

Finally I contact the sales guy at Mark Kia, in Scottsdale to ask him if he can locate any for me. He states that they had one there for over a year, and finally sold it to a Kia dealership owner from Canada. Even he was unable to get one delivered to his dealership and had to track one down thousands of miles away.

This does not bode well for me.

more to follow....

Friday, November 19, 2010

So I was hoping that the new Medal of Honor game would drop in price to compete with the just released Call of Duty: Black Ops, but no!

$60 for a PC game is just to much. I got burned by COD:MW2 to bad to even think about paying full price for any of the new games. Call of Duty4: Modern Warfare still has the bar set for me. The greatest single player FPS so far, and and outstanding multi player. COD:MW2 was a let down on all three accounts.

FYI, I'm referring to the PC versions of these games. There is just no joy in playing FPS games on a console, until the day we can hook up a mouse and keyboard and get the same playability.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Thanksgiving is no more!

Alas, Halloween has come and gone. We can now look forward to spending time with our families at Thanksgiving. However, you will be hard pressed to find any mention of this in our ads on television. Take a look sometime. I've just sat through the 3rd ad in a row about a Christmas sale here or there. Bah Humbug!